Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Legacy by Molly Cochran

Five out of Five stars.

Such a high rating rewarded to such a worthy book. This is the best book that I've read in a long time. It's rare that I find a good book these days, and I really lucked up when I received this one in the Galley Grab newsletter. Now of course, I didn't just jump into this right away, because that just wouldn't be me. No, I had to read the Goodreads reviews first. From the few reviews that I found, I discovered that there weren't really many fans of this book. Personally, I didn't see the problem. I mean the story line was...imaginative? I don't know if there really is a word to describe it, but what I do know is that for supernatural novel it was highly original and I could tell that Molly Cochran really did her research. The characters were lovable enough. The romance wasn't built plainly on lust disguised as love like most YA Romance novels these days (although I can't say that I would mind much if it was...pervert? Guilty as charged. ;D). The writing was just beautiful. It had substance, and meaning, which is what a lot of today's paranormal romance novels lack these days. I will admit that a few of the situations and reactions were a tad bit unrealistic, but it is fiction after all. Supernatural fiction, at that. Overall, it was a finely crafted novel and I didn't regret the time spent reading it after I finished it. So yeah, I seriously don't see where all the negative opinions about this came from. I mean, like I said, they're opinions. If you want to hate this novel, then that's your prerogative, but I just want to understand why so many people hated it. Or am I exaggerating? Or maybe the only reason I didn't hate it was because I had lowered my expectations after reading the bad reviews? Maybe...

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